
6 Fantastic Benefits Of Eating Mangosteen During Pregnancy

Mangosteen — a sweet, juicy fruit with incredible health benefits for expecting mothers.

Jyoti BenjaminMS, RD, CSO, FAND, CD Dandelion Liquid Extract

6 Fantastic Benefits Of Eating Mangosteen During Pregnancy

Jyoti Benjamin has 25 years of experience as a clinical dietitian and currently works in Seattle. She focuses on teaching people the value of good nutrition and helping them lead healthy lives by natural means.Benjamin has a masters in ... more

Lorraine is a postgraduate in Life Science from Mount Carmel College and previously worked as a freelance scientific illustrator. As a project associate and lab technician at the Centre for Cellular a... more

swati patwal M.Sc.(Food & Nutrition), MBA

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Mangosteen is a colorful fruit with high nutritional value and is mostly grown in Southeast Asia. With a blend of sweet and sour flavors, mangosteen during pregnancy is sure to tingle your taste buds.

This fruit is quite beneficial for both the expecting mother and the baby. It is believed to cure common pregnancy-related digestive problems, such as constipation, and may reduce the risk of congenital disabilities.

Scroll through to learn more about mangosteen, including its safety and health benefits during pregnancy.

Mangosteen, scientifically popular as Garcinia mangostana, belongs to the family of Clusiaceae. The juicy fruit is purple in color and native to Thailand. The fruit is also popular as ‘queen of tropical fruits’, particularly in the southeast areas of Asia. The round, exotic fruit is full of nutrients that are beneficial for the fetus as well as expecting mother (1).

Yes, it is safe to eat mangosteen fruit during pregnancy. However, as with everything else in life, you should only eat limited amounts of it while you are pregnant. The nutritional content of the fruit, like minerals, vitamins, and folate promotes growth and development of your fetus and safeguards your unborn baby from birth defects, abnormalities, and malnutrition effectively. So, you should eat mangosteen while pregnant. Have a word with your doctor to ensure that the fruit is safe for you. Avoid using medications or preparations containing mangosteen rind, as it may affect your fetus (2).

Since mangosteen is a rich source of several nutrients, it offers you many health benefits during pregnancy. Find below some prominent mangosteen benefits for pregnancy:

Mangosteen contains a good amount of folate. One cup of mangosteen contains 61 micrograms of folate. Folate plays a crucial role in preventing the risk of development of certain abnormalities and birth defects, such as brain and spinal birth defects, in your unborn baby. So, eating mangosteen during pregnancy protects your fetus from the risk of abnormalities (3).

Mangosteen is a rich source of mineral manganese that is a vital nutrient necessary for the process of formation of cartilage and skeletal system in your fetus. The fruit promotes the growth of your unborn baby. Just one cup of fresh mangosteen juice during pregnancy provides you about 0.2 mg of manganese. Also, antioxidant properties of mangosteen safeguard you as well as your fetus from cell damage (3).

Mangosteen contains a good amount of vitamin C which is a crucial vitamin necessary for good health of your fetus. Just one cup of fresh mangosteen provides you about 5.7 mg of the nutrient. Vitamin C helps boost your immunity and minimize the risk of contracting harmful infections that may cause harm to your unborn baby during pregnancy. Also, the vitamin increases the production of collagen in your body which increases your skin’s elasticity to help you accommodate your growing fetus easily during pregnancy (4).

Pericaps of mangosteen comprise compounds popular as xanthones that provide you anti-cancer benefits. Xanthones inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in your body during pregnancy. So, the fruit protects you and your unborn baby from the hazardous effects of the deadly ailment (5).

Mangosteen is an excellent natural remedy for diabetes. Eating mangosteen in pregnancy helps you regulate your blood glucose levels effectively and protect you from hazardous effects of diabetes during pregnancy (6).

Medical studies reveal that greater than half of the pregnant women suffer from constipation troubles while expecting. Eating fresh mangosteen can help mitigate the discomfort resulting due to constipation during pregnancy. Just one cup of the fruit provides you about 3.5 grams of fiber that helps promote smooth bowel movements. Also, fiber in mangosteen minimizes the risk of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia (7).

1. Is mangosteen good for fertility?

Animal studies show that the antioxidants present in mangosteen peel extract may help enhance sperm count and motility(9).

2. Is mangosteen acidic or alkaline?

Mangosteen is considered moderately acidic in nature (10).

3. Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with consuming mangosteen during pregnancy?

Mangosteen is a nutritious fruit considered safe to consume in moderate amounts during pregnancy. However, like any other food, it may have some risks or side effects, such as allergies or medication interactions. Its high fiber content and certain compounds can cause digestive issues in sensitive individuals. Therefore, it is vital to talk to a doctor or nutrition expert before adding mangosteen to your pregnancy diet.

4. Can mangosteen help with common pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness or fatigue?

Anecdotal evidence suggests that antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents in mangosteen can help relieve morning sickness and fatigue. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is scarce.

Mangosteen, a juicy, sweet fruit, is known to be a pregnancy craving some women indulge in. It is rich in nutrients and can have several health benefits for the developing fetus and the pregnant woman. For example, it helps reduce the risk of congenital anomalies and regulates diabetes. Thus, consuming mangosteen during pregnancy is considered safe. However, check with your gynecologist to know how much mangosteen you can safely consume daily. Further, avoid using mangosteen supplements before checking with your doctor, and opt for the fruit instead.

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit packed with nutrients and has numerous health benefits. Do you want to have this fruit during pregnancy but are concerned about its safety? Check out the infographic below to discover the advantages of consuming mangosteen when pregnant. Save Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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6 Fantastic Benefits Of Eating Mangosteen During Pregnancy

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